ZipWall Barrier System products are designed to work together. You can start with a small barrier system and add to it over time. We've packaged our products in easy-to-combine kits. To see a picture of each product and its contents, just mouse over the product name.
Package includes:
- 6 spring loaded poles
- 6 grip disks
- 6 tethers
The six SLP poles extend from 4' 9" to 12 feet.
The poles can be placed 8 to 10 feet apart. If there is any significant air movement that pushes the plastic you will want to pull them in closer together.
The GripDisk slide stoppers should always be used especially on hard surfaces. Six GripDisk slide stoppers come in every SLP6 package.
The SLP6 comes with six of our Spring Loaded Poles and is great when you need a bunch of poles for a big job. It's also an economical way to add SLP poles to your ZipWall system.
The SLP pole has the spring loaded plunger built right into the pole. The plunger is made of polycarbonate and is incredibly strong yet the SLP pole weighs in at just over a pound and a half. This makes them hard working on the job yet easy to handle and transport. The poles extend from 4' 9" to 12', just right to reach any standard ceiling. This product has received raves from This Old House magazine, Remodeling magazine, and many others. The readers of Building Products magazine gave the ZipWall system the Readers' Choice Award for 2006.
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